- "ropework and safety on steep ground".

Well - this was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g my experience!
Two ascents (and descents) of Buchaille Etive Mor:

1. - up broken ground on East side of Coire na Tulaich (that was fine), then down Curved Ridge (that was a bit more exciting, but I made it!). Here I am starting the descent ....
I must have done OK, as I was picked
for the more advanced group the next day....

2. Ascent up North Buttress - very exhilarating - especially up the chimney at the top. OK - I know
it is only a "moderate" rock climb, but it is the hairiest climbing I had done, and felt very exposed to me! It's a long way down to Rannoch Moor!
I think the idea was to let us know the limits of our won comfort zones!
Anyway, the next time I abseiled was 21 years later - from the Inn Pinn!
(written 14/08/09)